
There are many temporary happiness. if you want to be really happy then start loving yourself first.. if you really give importance to yourself then nothing can stop you being happy*.*

Here are few real kings to their own life, as a example But, many of us think some one else is the key of our happiness and search for happiness once they leave us...

Start to love your self be for yourself in every challenging situations no one else can be for you, first believe in yourself, its ok to strugle, cry, fall down and one day get up as king..*.*

Start giving a positive hope about your career, if some one cheat you dont breakdown and sit at the same point nothing will be gained. start kicking out all the insults, negative things and give Back your successfull smile to them not as revenge just to show your not dependent on anyone..*.*

Start giving TIME to yourself.. start taking risk to your passion only you can take risk no one else will take risk for you. Surly Results will be high world will start to look at your success.. Be a competitor to yourself and start improving day by day*.*

So lets start, questions may be silly but before you type yes or no "be honest to yourself if you dont then your cheating yourself"

  1. Do you really love yourself, or you just show your ok in front of others?
  2. Do you believe yourself and motivate yourself?
  3. Do you really Give time to your passion?
  4. Do you worry about others comment and stop what you want to do?
  5. Are you worried, over thinking and wasting time for someone who really dont care about you?

Even when your working behind but one day your hard work will bring in front of the world's eye..

Always motivate yourself and have postive people around you. Chase your dreams never give up. Wait patiently even if it is late have confidence on you surely you will reach high and get best things..


Note: The images are by audience, - Not a promotion page or anything else. Not to hurt anyone if so Sorry by AJ FUN TOUR.